Organization Directory
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Arlee High School District Board
School Districts: Elected Officials | Public School District Boards
Most recent 07/26/22 - Arlee High School District had a total attendance of 110 students during 2020-21 school year
Political Geographies | Census Designated Places
Most recent 03/24/25 - In 2022, Glacier County ranks 22nd among Montana counties for government transfer income per capita at $12,995
Babb School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 08/09/22 - Babb School had a total attendance of 32 students during the 2020-21 school year
Bank of Montana
Financial Services | Banks & Credit Unions
Most recent 07/24/20 - Bank of Montana in Missoula evaluated by feds in 2019
Baucus '78 Committee
Political Committees | Committee - Candidate
Most recent 06/03/20 - BAUCUS '78 COMMITTEE: Coronavirus: Home Offices, Gyms and Removable Walls Added to New Builds to Entice Post-Lockdown Buyers.
Bear Dance
Political Geographies | Census Designated Places
Most recent 03/17/25 - Lake County residents received $13,243 per capita in government transfers in 2022, ranking 17th in Montana
Big Arm
Political Geographies | Census Designated Places
Most recent 03/17/25 - Lake County residents received $13,243 per capita in government transfers in 2022, ranking 17th in Montana